Hej there! That's Swedish for "hello", and your travel tip number one! Here are the rest of the essentials for your next trip to Stockholm : STOCKHOLM TRAVEL GUIDE


Fika like a local : fika is the Swedes term for coffee break...and you're going to want to make at least a couple fika stops a day, especially after you get a taste of the fikabröd or kanelbulles (aka cinnamon rolls).

Gamla Stan : Old Town. See the Royal Castle, the Nobel Museum and the Town Hall.

Katarinahissen Tower : the best panoramic view of the capital city.

Museums : there are over 70 museums in the city, but the most unique and only native to Stockholm are the ABBA and Vasa Museums. You probably know ABBA so I'll tell you about the Vasa houses the warship that sunk in the harbor a mere twenty minutes after setting off. It stayed underwater for 333 years and remained very much preserved, and now lives in the museum!

Explore the different neighborhoods on the 14 islands!STOCKHOLM TRAVEL GUIDE STOCKHOLM TRAVEL GUIDE STOCKHOLM TRAVEL GUIDE


HOTEL DIPLOMAT : In the Nybroviken harbor, Hotel Diplomat is within easy walking distance of most attractions of central Stockholm. The hotel was originally built as a residence palace and the history is maintained with the art nouveau style today. (photos below)

MISS CLARA also within the heart of the city, this former girls school is now a timeless design hotel.STOCKHOLM TRAVEL GUIDE STOCKHOLM TRAVEL GUIDE

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Besides fika and the delicious cinnamon rolls, you must try real Swedish meatballs, smörgåsbord, glögg mulled wine, Swedish pancakes and pickled herring.

Teatern Ringen : Set in the middle of the Ringen mall in Södermalm, this is a modern and super hip version of the food court. Most of the stands are set up by Swedish celebrity chefs and offer unique and insanely delicious options. The seating area is also set up stadium style--perfect for people watching!

Tradition : In Gamla Stan, this place has such a charming vibe and the most delicious Swedish meatballs!

Bakfickan : a counter restaurant serving traditional Swedish dishes.

Kalf and Hansen : a great lunch spot for classic meatballs. STOCKHOLM TRAVEL GUIDE STOCKHOLM TRAVEL GUIDE


Take public transportation. Much more affordable than taxis and the metro stations are basically art exhibits themselves.

Credit cards are accepted almost everywhere, so no need to carry too much Krona.

Tipping is most often included in the bill but for exceptional service, rounding up to an even number is enough.STOCKHOLM TRAVEL GUIDE


Comfortable shoes are always a must! Depending on the season, this can be some cozy, broken-in converses or weather-proof boots. Layers are number two on the essentials list--no matter the season.