Bloomsbury Wandering for Coffee

If you're reading all of my best London coffee shop articles, you may think amazing delicious coffee in London is well, everywhere. And it's true there is some seriously good coffee out there, if you know where to look! My last wander through Bloomsbury was met with a perfect cup of joe.bloomsburyAnd sometimes truly great coffee is complimented, maybe even improved upon, by really excellent, personable service. Expresso Base is this and so much more. Gennaro runs a coffee cart in the churchyard of St. George's Church of Bloomsbury, a perfect location for you central London workers, British Museum wanderers, or even just the passerby in search a delicious brew. What I really love about this spot though is that Gennaro knows (and takes the time to know) his customers! My first visit was SO impressive because Gennaro knew the other guests by name and by order. So when I had a meeting in the area several weeks later, and was of course, craving that chai latte with almond milk, I stopped by secretly hoping to be remembered. You guessed right, he remembered me! At my meeting, I asked if they had tried this adorable coffee cart right around the corner and everyone said "oh Gennaro!". Are you typing the name into Google Maps as you read?! And of course, Expresso Base is a Drip App partner so ordering and paying is ultra-easy!IMG_8478 EXPRESSO-BASE IMG_6151 EXPRESSO-BASE IMG_8461 IMG_8457 IMG_6166 bloomsbury IMG_8476