Budapest in 2 days

IMG_1575Budapest is an amazing little gem situated in Eastern Europe and affectionately nicknamed "Paris of the East" and the "Pearl of the Danube".Interesting fact: the Hungarian capital is actually two cities: Buda and Pest, divided by the river Danube. Buda sits high on the hill with the Castle and the Fisherman's Bastion overlooking onto the river with the magnificent Hungarian Parliament across the other side. A stroll alongside the east side of the river in Pest provides excellent views of Buda as well.fisherman's bastionIMG_0645IMG_0577

Day One
Matthias Church in the Castle District : the roof is made with amazing colored tiles!
Fisherman's Bastion : incredible views of well, everything!


Buda Castle : set above a labyrinth... famed for holding Count Dracula in the 15th century
Citadel : A quick hike in hilly Buda with seriously the best views!
Szabadság szobor : liberty statute, one of few communist relics remaining,  at top of gellért hill
Gellért Baths: beautiful spa, allot enough time to spend a few hours here enjoying the variety of pools, including an outdoor wave pool! Read more here.

Day Two
Széchenyi Lánchíd : the chain bridge linking Buda and Pest
Danube Promenade : Cipök a Duna-Parton (bronze shoes): line the Danube honoring the Jews who were shot by arrow into the river Danube during WWII, they were ordered to remove their shoes first as shoes were a rare and pricey commodity

 Országház (Hungarian parliament): 3rd largest parliament in the world, holds Crown should book your tour a day early!
St Stephens Basilica in Pest
Vörösmarty tér : food stands with Hungarian food! yum!
Dohány Synagogue: largest in Europe, 2nd in world.
Boscolo Budapest hotel: New York café
Fövám Tér Piac : largest indoor market
Szechenyi thermal bath : read more here!
Vajdahunyad vára : amazing castle, reminded me so much of Beauty and the Beast :) there also is usually some kind of festival going on in this area!
Heroes Square
A peaceful stroll along the river

 ALSO. Of note in Budapest, the subway system is a little bit confusing...we only took the underground train once from the airport-- and I made specific notes on what trains and what stops (as English was minimally seen). Another traveler warns that you must purchase new tickets every time you change lines...even along the same journey. Hefty fees will incur if you don't have appropriate tickets. I however found that Budapest was small enough that you could basically walk anywhere. The trains in Budapest were adorable though... I felt like I was riding on the Polar Express :)   

How To Plan A European Holiday


Budapest Eats