A quick hop, skip and a jump from Barcelona, or more specifically an hour flight or six hour ferry ride, it's a perfect island escape after soaking in the rich culture of the Catalan capital. Also, important side note : our flight was under $25. So, go.driving-mallorcaWe rented a car because there really is so much to see on this small island and we wanted to scope out allllllll the beaches. Here are the highlights :

Sa Calobra : take the winding, curvy road down to the coast and then walk through the caves and end at the gorgeous Torrent de Pareis. driving-mallorca driving-mallorca driving-mallorca driving-mallorca driving-mallorca driving-mallorca driving-mallorca driving-mallorca

Cala Varques : you'll see a dirt road with cars parked along the side, don't park at the end, it's the longest road ever! Keep driving, squeeze into a spot, and then prepare for a long walk to the this *almost* deserted little beach. Perfect for adventurous souls : lots of caves for swimming and a few cliffs for jumping.driving-mallorca driving-mallorca driving-mallorca driving-mallorca driving-mallorca

S'Amarador : located within the Parque Natural Cala Mondrago, this picturesque spot is actually two beaches with loads of water sports, rocks for jumping, caves for exploring, and beachside restaurants and bars. driving-mallorca driving-mallorca driving-mallorca driving-mallorca

Other recommended beaches :

Cala Deiá

Es trenc

Caló des Moro



Playa del Magoimg_8125 driving-mallorca

If you visit Mallorca, more than likely you'll visit the capital city, Palma, but here are three small villages you have to visit as well :Deia : Amazing village, known as one of the most eclectic on the island. A great place to stop over for lunch while driving the island.Valldemossa : Chopin went to this village to relax and get inspired. Go for a walk around and try Coca de Patatas.Soller : a beautiful harbor town with good dining options. driving-mallorca driving-mallorca driving-mallorca driving-mallorca driving-mallorca driving-mallorca driving-mallorca driving-mallorca driving-mallorca driving-mallorca driving-mallorcaA special thank you to Anna of HostelGeeks for amazing Mallorca recommendations! And of course, the Giannakis' for amazing drone footage :)