The perfect time for a European getaway? Don't all yell "winter" at once! It's true, Europe isn't exactly known for its' ideal winter weather but the Christmas season is celebrated somewhat over the top here and who doesn't love a little sprinkle of snow to embrace the festivities! Here are the four essential categories for packing your suitcase and jet setting off for the holiday season : europe winter packing guide

SHOES : Any time you're off to explore Europe, you need comfortable shoes...first off, there is loads of walking involved! Like seriously, more than you'd expect. So grab those comfortable booties or broken in sneakers. Also, if space allows and depending on the length of  your holiday, bring along a few pairs to alternate so you'd develop blisters from the same pressures! Next, you will probably meet all the elements...rain, snow, sleet but also cobblestones, puddles, and mud. Bring along shoes that can handle it and keep up with your wanderings!